EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING EVEN B/F I READ THIS: "A calm lesson for the Zika scare from the Ebola crisis "- CSMonitor.com,lll
I remember when the ebola crisis began & how the media,including hannity & beck,were screaming "the sky is falling" ,but it quickly was controlled & is now almost unheard of. Let's hope the same for zika. And I noticed Beck & Hannity aren't saying so much this time around.
I remember when the ebola crisis began & how the media,including hannity & beck,were screaming "the sky is falling" ,but it quickly was controlled & is now almost unheard of. Let's hope the same for zika. And I noticed Beck & Hannity aren't saying so much this time around.
" If u declare with your mouth,
"Jesus is Lord," & believe in your heart
that God raised Him from the dead,
u will be saved."
Romans 10.9