Zika Virus RSS Feed


This blog began with the
purpose of
ENDING EBOLA, which seems to
have happened,
by & large,thanks be to
God! However, it
now looks like ZIKA has
taken its place
and so this blog is evolving
to prayerfully
put a STOP
the ZIKA VIRUS ! and now COVID

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Twitter Search / ZikaVirus_News

Thursday, November 10, 2016

"From AIDS To Zika: Donald Trump On Global Issues And Foreign Aid " Goats and Soda : NPR

"For one thing, I would let some of the funds that they're asking for come in," he said. He lauded Florida Gov. Rick Scott's efforts to stop the spread of Zika-carrying mosquitoes. "It's a very tough problem to solve, but they're spraying all over the place," he said...."

