Zika Virus RSS Feed


This blog began with the
purpose of
ENDING EBOLA, which seems to
have happened,
by & large,thanks be to
God! However, it
now looks like ZIKA has
taken its place
and so this blog is evolving
to prayerfully
put a STOP
the ZIKA VIRUS ! and now COVID

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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

"Dolly Parton Believes Coronavirus Pandemic Is a 'Lesson' From God... it's the light, I believe, that’s gonna dissolve the situation. I think God is in this,...

  "Dolly Parton Believes Coronavirus Pandemic Is a 'Lesson' From God....Switching to speaking, Parton continued, "I'm not making light of the situation. Well, maybe I am, because it's the light, I believe, that's gonna dissolve the situation. I think God is in this, I really do," she said. "I think he's trying to hold us up to the light so we can see ourselves and see each other through the eyes of love. And I hope we learn that lesson."
