Zika Virus RSS Feed


This blog began with the
purpose of
ENDING EBOLA, which seems to
have happened,
by & large,thanks be to
God! However, it
now looks like ZIKA has
taken its place
and so this blog is evolving
to prayerfully
put a STOP
the ZIKA VIRUS ! and now COVID

Twitter Search / InfoEbola

Twitter Search / ZikaVirus_News

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

"Michigan Man Credits President Trump for Surviving Coronavirus, Says Gov. Whitmer ‘Sentencing ..

  "Michigan Man Credits President Trump for Surviving Coronavirus, Says Gov. Whitmer 'Sentencing People to Death' .....Jim Santilli told talk radio host Steve Gruber he is "living proof" the combination of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin works."