Zika Virus RSS Feed


This blog began with the
purpose of
ENDING EBOLA, which seems to
have happened,
by & large,thanks be to
God! However, it
now looks like ZIKA has
taken its place
and so this blog is evolving
to prayerfully
put a STOP
the ZIKA VIRUS ! and now COVID

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Friday, April 3, 2020

TEXAS DOES IT BETTER (again) "L.A. Tried—and Mostly Failed—To Fix Bad Permit Rules for Restaurants That Want To Sell Groceries – ... ..."

  "L.A. Tried—and Mostly Failed—To Fix Bad Permit Rules for Restaurants That Want To Sell Groceries – In that vein, California may be able to adopt the model in place in Texas, which is allowing restaurants to sell bulk retail—permit or not, walk-ins or not.
"A vital part of our COVID-19 response is to ensure that there are readily available supplies of food and resources, whether that is at grocery stores or, in this case, restaurants," said Governor Greg Abbott (R). "This guidance gives Texans another easily accessible option to buy the food they need to support their families."